monkey's world and the barrier keeps them out as the other way around. In their superior way men like to

think that they are on the outside and that women are under control and INside. Most women know that this is not so but they are also smart enough not to let their menfolk realize that they know it. Thus the men live in a continually contracting area. It is contract- ing because women are invading more and more of the men's fields of activity, mode of behaviour, occupations dress, etc. The limits of the women's world get wider every day, and as soon as some new territory is staked out as open to female exploitation, the men back away from it, because to be caught there in what has

a feminine area would be unmasculine or sissy.





It is in order now to look briefly at the origins and development of the transvestic individual. Most of the psychiatric literature indicates that it originates in childhood and that the usual causes are that the parents wanted a girl and raised the boy accordingly; that the father was absent or provided a poor image; that the boy was kept in dresses and curls too long; or that he was punished by being forced to wear girl's clothes which he subsequently grew to enjoy. There is no question but that persons with these types of histories do exist and that they turn up in the offices of psychiatrists. Unfortunately, the psychiatrist only sees a specialized sampling of transvestites and there- fore the conclusions drawn are based on a biased popu- lation of cases. Generally speaking, the only cases that go to a doctor are those that either have been sent there by legal authorities, are forced to come by wives or parents, or are quite disturbed by their desires and seek help. The well adjusted, happily married and out of trouble transvestite does not go to the doctor and he is therefore not studied nor counted in the population of cases from which most conclusions are drawn. A survey of medical literature on this subject, reveals a most confused and mixed up state of affairs. Cases are labeled as transvestic when this activity is a side line to all manner of compulsions, fetishes, and psychopathic conditions even to epilepsy and other organic brain con- ditions.
